
Advanced Filters
06:00pm - 06:00pm EDT - August 19, 2020
Credits Available:
9.00 CE Hours/Credits

Revised and expanded, The Therapeutic Powers of Play, Second Edition explores the powerful effects that play therapy has on different areas within a child or adolescent's life: communication, emotion regulation, relationship enhancement, and personal strengths. Editors Charles Schaefer and Athena Drewes―renowned experts in the field of play therapy―discuss the different interventions and components of treatment that can move clients to change.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:

  • History
  • Seminal / Historically Significant Theories
  • Skills and Methods
  • Special Topics

  • Describe basic tenants of play therapy.
  • Identify 20 ways of how play therapy works.
  • Explain theoretical backgrounds and empirical studies that support 20 agents of change.
  • Apply 20 agents of change to clinical vignettes.
  • Describe specific strategies and techniques for each change agent.
01:00pm - 01:00pm EDT - September 24, 2020
Credits Available:
5.00 CE Hours/Credits

Helping therapists hone their skills for working with diverse children and families, this unique volume looks at play therapy through a multicultural lens. Experienced practitioners examine how cultural factors may influence the ways children express themselves through play, the feelings they associate with different activities, and the responses of children and parents to particular interventions. Filled with evocative clinical material, chapters highlight specific issues to consider when working with African American, Latino, Native American, and Asian American children. The book also provides suggestions for setting up a therapeutic playroom that is engaging and welcoming to all.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:
  • Special Topics

  • List the necessary steps to go from building sensitivity to developing competence in working across cultures.
  • Discuss the universality, as well as diversity, of play across cultures.
  • Describe the relationship between culture and children's artistic expression and the impact of culture on art therapy with children.
  • Explain the unique frame of play therapy associated with major cultural groups.
  • Describe the importance of understanding cultural issues of privacy, trust, and beliefs when treating families from various cultures.
03:00pm - 03:00pm EDT - October 7, 2020
Credits Available:
11.00 CE Hours/Credits

Please be advised that in an effort to stay current with learning material, this test will no longer be available after Friday, March 1, 2019. Should you have any questions, please contact the APT office. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the meaning of play and the history of Play Therapy.
  • Identify techniques for creating therapeutic relationships with children.
  • Describe the process of facilitating the child-centered play therapy.
  • List the basic guidelines and rationale for therapeutic limit setting.
  • Compare the difference between the play of adjusted and maladjusted children.
  • Explain the difference between individual play therapy and sibling group play therapy.
  • Describe structured Play Therapy.

07:00pm - 07:00pm EDT - December 22, 2020
Credits Available:
6.00 CE Hours/Credits

Highly practical, instructive, and authoritative, this book vividly describes how to conduct child-centered play therapy. The authors are master clinicians who explain core therapeutic principles and techniques, using rich case material to illustrate treatment of a wide range of difficulties. The focus is on non-directive interventions that allow children to freely express their feelings and take the lead in solving their own problems. Flexible yet systematic guidelines are provided for setting up a playroom; structuring sessions; understanding and responding empathically to children's play themes, including how to handle challenging behaviors; and collaborating effectively with parents.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:

  • History
  • Seminal / Historically Significant Theories
  • Skills and Methods

  • Explain the background and relevance of CCPT.
  • Discuss CCPT Techniques and playroom logistics.
  • Describe how to appropriately involve parents and school personnel.
  • Recite the appropriate ways to handle and document touch in CCPT.
  • Discuss studies which show empirical support for CCPT and FT.
07:00pm - 07:00pm EDT - December 22, 2020
Credits Available:
11.00 CE Hours/Credits

Research has shown that a child's social and academic success can be greatly influenced by experiences from infancy and toddlerhood. Despite this knowledge, the importance of infant mental health has only recently been recognized. This book is one of the first to present the major models of play interventions with very young children and their families. In this collection of essays by child development experts, the editors provide a comprehensive guide of the most beneficial effects of play therapy and play for the very young. Regardless of the theoretical orientation of the play therapist, this book will help the clinician to conceptualize the worlds of infants and toddlers, and explain the specific play therapy interventions that can be effectively utilized. Contributors address specific therapies from cultures around the world, including caregiver-toddler play therapy, filial play therapy, mother-infant play, and play based interventions with young children with disabilities and autism. This book is essential for students and professionals who work with very young children.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:

  • Seminal / Historically Significant Theories
  • Skills and Methods
  • Special Topics

  • Identify the major models of play interventions for infants and toddlers.
  • Describe a wide variety of therapeutic play strategies for very young children.
  • Discuss the importance of early intervention for young children exhibiting behavior problems.
  • Articulate the ways parents can become involved in play interventions.
  • Cite evidence for the effectiveness of play therapies for very young children.
  • Analyze effective play-based prevention programs for very young children.
  • Illustrate the role of play in fostering secure attachments in very young children.
  • Recognize the challenges of early intervention through illustrative case studies.
07:00pm - 07:00pm EDT - December 22, 2020
Credits Available:
6.00 CE Hours/Credits

The importance of therapeutic play in helping children recover from adversity has long been recognized. This unique volume brings together experts on resilience, trauma, and play therapy to describe effective treatment approaches in this key area. The book begins by providing guiding principles for intervention and describing the specific properties of play that promote resilience. Subsequent chapters delve into clinical applications, including such strategies as storytelling and metaphors, sand play, art therapy, play therapy adaptations for school settings, group interventions, and the use of therapeutic writing. Rich case studies and vignettes demonstrate creative ways to bolster at-risk children's strengths and enhance their natural capacity to thrive.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:

  • Special Topics

  • Describe at least six guideposts for nurturing a resilient mindset
  • Identify the eight therapeutic mechanisms of Rutter (1999) in their application to Play Therapy (Seymour, 2014) and note their relationship to resilience-based therapy.
  • Define resilience-based treatment elements that are particularly important when providing therapy to persons who have experienced significant life trauma as an individual and/or in the context of surviving mass trauma.
  • Describe at least three special factors that impact the provision of resilience- based therapy in a school setting.
  • Share at least one person’s experience of resilience-based Play Therapy (i.e., one of the case presentations in the book) and share how this inspired them in their own clinical work.
07:00pm - 07:00pm EDT - December 22, 2020
Credits Available:
6.00 CE Hours/Credits

Touch in Child Counseling and Play Therapy explores the professional and legal boundaries around physical contact in therapy and offers best-practice guidelines from a variety of perspectives. Chapters address issues around appropriate and sensitive therapist-initiated touch, therapeutic approaches that use touch as an intervention in child treatment, and both positive and challenging forms of touch that are initiated by children. In these pages, professionals and students alike will find valuable information on ways to address potential ethical dilemmas, including defining boundaries, working with parents and guardians, documentation, consent forms, cultural considerations, counter transference, and much more.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:

  • Seminal / Historically Significant Theories
  • Skills and Methods
  • Special Topics

  • Identify the difference between a boundary violation and a boundary crossing.
  • Describe the basic principles of FirstPlay Therapy.
  • Identify the developmental milestones that make up the foundation of DIRFloortime interventions.
  • Explain the role of neurobiology in reference to touch, nurturing touch and traumas related to touch.
  • Describe some specific touch techniques and interventions that can be used with children who have ADHD.
  • Explain how neglect, lack of touch, and/or abuse early in life can potentially impact a child and options for healing.
  • Identify ethical considerations when using therapeutic touch in practice or other types of touch, such as restraint
  • Describe the role of touch and the parent-infant bond in infant mental health
  • Identify the potential benefits and ethical considerations of animal-assisted therapy that includes touch.
  • Explain Positive Touch and identify the benefits of peer massage programs, according to UK studies.
  • Identify the five proposed Clinical Competencies in Touch and describe each one in detail.
  • Identify proposed ethical standards related to appropriate touch, self-awareness, suggested training requirements, and other considerations related to touch in therapy.
07:00pm - 07:00pm EDT - March 12, 2021
Credits Available:
4.00 CE Hours/Credits

Children will experience natural growth and change throughout their lives. Play, by its very nature, always results in things falling apart, often literally, and children generally find satisfaction in this process of collapse and renewal. This book harnesses the power of the reorganizing process to elicit positive and profound change in children dealing with social, neurological, developmental, health and family issues. The author clarifies the theory behind this innovative play therapy approach, and explains its practical application to a full spectrum of client needs, using inspirational, real-life anecdotes as examples. He also describes the importance of using symbols in play therapy and focuses on ways to enable children to act out their internal aggression in a safe and healthy manner. This will be essential reading for play therapists and other professionals working therapeutically with children and their families.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:
  • Skills and Methods

  • Explain the paradox of play.
  • Describe various play materials that support the therapeutic healing of aggression in play.
  • Critique dynamic play therapy and how the falling apart of the play can lead to profound healing in a child.
  • Discuss the importance of symbols in play.

Current play therapy resources offer details on how to conduct play therapy, but are limited in addressing the challenges that develop when therapists conduct play therapy with real-life clients. Using the Child-Centered Play Therapy Approach, Ray has written the first book to address these complex play therapy subjects. Topics covered include: integrating field knowledge of play, development, and theory into the advanced play therapist’s knowledge base; working with difficult situations, such as limit-setting, aggression, and parents; addressing modern work concerns like measuring progress, data accountability, and treatment planning; differentiating play therapy practice in school and community settings; and addressing complicated skills, such as theme work, group play therapy, and supervision. Ray also includes her Child Centered Play Therapy Treatment Manual, an invaluable tool for any play therapist accountable for evidence-based practice. This manual can also be found on the accompanying CD, along with treatment plan, session summary, and progress-tracking worksheets.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:
  • Seminal / Historically Significant Theories
  • Skills and Methods
  • Special Topics

  • Recite when, why and how to set limits for children in a play room.
  • Describe key characteristics of effective play therapists.
  • Explain the historical and religious influences upon the nature and development of play.
  • Discuss the various stages of child development from the perspectives of leaders in the field.
  • Compare play therapy practice in schools to play therapy in community settings.
  • Describe the five properties of play.
  • Identify common themes in play therapy.
07:00pm - 07:00pm EDT - March 12, 2021
Credits Available:
8.00 CE Hours/Credits

Applications of Family and Group Theraplay is rich in content and practical ideas guided by current research in attachment and neurobiological research. Most chapters are illustrated with a case study, including agendas from beginning, middle, and end sessions with an extensive appendix describing each activity, to help translate theory into practice. Theraplay, a research based therapeutic model that has gained increasing attention worldwide, is described in this book from its theory (based on attachment theory), research, to its underlying dimensions (structure, challenge, engagement, nurture) applied to a wide diversity of populations and formats. The book describes activities that have underlying goals of increasing parental attunement, creating a caring, accepting environment and co-regulating the child. It replicates normal parent/child interactions that are playful, physical, and fun. Applying Theraplay to a wide variety of populations (dysregulated, resistant, aggressive, impulsive, adopted, autistic, traumatized) and cultures (Aboriginals, American, Asian, German, Finnish) is included, as well as integrating Theraplay with other treatment methods. It also describes group Theraplay with father/son dyads and with troubled adolescents and offenders. This book will not only lead to a greater understanding of Theraplay, but will also stretch the reader's skills in the application of this very effective play therapy model.

Play Therapy Primary Areas:
  • History
  • Seminal / Historically Significant Theories
  • Skills and Methods
  • Special Topics

  • Present an overview of the main tenants of Theraplay.
  • Explain applications of Theraplay to a wide variety of populations including those coming from cross cultural contexts.
  • Describe case studies illustrating the beginning, middle and end sessions of Theraplay.
  • Discuss modifications of Theraplay integrating other treatment modalities.
  • Illustrate family and group Theraplay formats as a way of enhancing parent/child attachments.
  • Describe the sequential nature of brain development.
  • Compare traditional play therapies with Theraplay.